Sunday, June 14, 2009

It all seems like a dream... just 9 months age, a bunch of fresh cadets were standing at the same parade square fixing on their junior bar and a lanyard ( some what like a amulet from extras. LOL!). But last night~ the 13th of June 2010, There they are, standing on the same parade square again, this time round, they're wearing the number 1 uniform and standing in contingents. No more lanyards around their arm, no more white stripes on their shoulders. With a loud "YES SIR!" these same cadets were declared as commissioned officers. Parents walking down the parade square, proudly fixing on the 2Nd lieutenant rank onto their son's shoulder. Yes, this all happened last night and will be remembered in the hearts of many. This cohort of cadets are we, the cadets from the 73/08 Officer Cadet Course. COMMISSION LO!!!! GOLD WING'S THE BEST! HOO-YA!

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