Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Missed me anyone? OK~ I don't think so. If you peeps are wondering where the heck I've been recently, I went to Bintan on the 17th till today. 3D2N in a double story villa with 5 other friends and a private club car! Namely, Clara, Jia Li, Pei Yi, Ruth, Benjamin and I.
Day 1
Departed from Tanah Ferry terminal at 5 pm. The ferry was travelling at a super high speed, such that we reached the island in a matter of seconds! o.O ok~ so there's actually a lag time of 1 hour. Headed straight to the resort and met with my 4 other friends that came 2 hours odd ahead of us. a in a matter of minutes~ (close to an hour actually) I met. Mr. Buggy! Ben drove Clara, Ruth and I back to the villa while Jia Li and Pei yi continued to shop over that the main lobby. After I fetched the other two ladies from the main lobby, It's dinner time! Pei Yi and Jia Li made dinner for us on the first night! Angel's hair with sausages, Campbell's soup, this weird spicy and sour clam thingy and baked beans! After our dinner, I decided to take a spin and tour around the resort with the older people. Oh, there's kinda like a age gap in our group. In the older corner! We have! Pei Yi, Jia Li and I! And in the younger corner! Clara, Ruth and Ben! Round 1! fight! Ding ding ding! anyway~ the 3 of us headed straight to the beach and the view was superb! Great wind, clear night sky with lots of stars, nice clear view of the horizon and last but not least, the beach! Chilled at a near by restaurant till 12 plus and headed back for more chilling and a game of black jack whereby the loser have to eat a WHOLE MOUTHFUL OF GOO! =D Consisting of Mashed potato, potato chips, parsley, nutella, Parmesan cheese and some other stuff. Disgusting eh? Ben had 2/3 of it. I had 1/3. Yes, it's a game between both of us. Seriously speaking~ I still thank that it tasted unique but nice.
Day 2
Clara and Ruth made breakfast for us! Slurps~
Headed down to the beach after that and that's when the FUN BEGAN!!! Ran straight for and into the waves. And after a few retarded clashed with them, they got so angry that they took my specs away as a token. So now I'm blind. Lucky for me that I bought a box of contact lens, hence, I could see again! Headed back down to the beach for another face off and snorkeling we go! Took a 15 minutes speed boat ride to a recommended snorkeling location and there, we jumped into the water and swam around for an hour. Corals were EVERYWHERE and so were clown fishes, sea urchins, plankton and other fishes. Chased a school of fishes just to find myself stuck in the midst of the coral reef. Had only 10 cm of clearance from my belly to their surface. luckily I got out without having and scratches or damages to them. Almost stepped on a sea urchin while I was re-wearing my goggles, if not, it'll good-bye to you all. what a dumb way to die. 23-year-old died from sea urchin poison when attempting to wear his snorkeling goggles. LOL! Ok next stop, Pasar Oleh Oleh! Had a wonderful lunch and shopped for our dinner and also a few little gifts. Had a temporary tattoo but Clara said that it doesn't suit me cause I have a kiddish look. T_T Headed back to the villa coz Jia Li had to go back to Singapore due to work matters. Dinner time~ Ben and I am in charge this time round. Well... all we're left is was noodles, cheese, bake beans, parsley, leftover rice, leftover chicken, egg, Egg, and EGGS~ So, cooking was rather easy. Menu: Scrambled eggs, Cheese omelet, omelet with ketchup, egg fried rice, dried-up chicken, baked beans and last but not least, noodles. After dinner and a short shilling session~ all of us went to bed.
Day 3
Woke up by Ben to catch the sunrise only to be disappointed by the cloudy sky which then blocked the emergence of the sun. Well, since we're there, we might as well do something, had a few pictures taken and then it's sea shells and crabs searching time. As Ruth and I walked along the coast line, we found quite a number of interesting things. A washed -up fish, a gigantic clam shell that we wanted to pry open but instead used to saved that fish and hence thrown away for I have got no isea why, clams sticking only an abandoned slipper with their "tongues" sticking out, yellow coloured sea water, dead-but-beautiful corals and mini lagoons on the beach itself. Walked so far from our starting point that Clara described us as a dot from her view. After we've satisfied ourselves with the things on our hand, we headed back to the villa and slacked till it time to check out and off to the ferry terminal we go~! 30 minutes before we enter the gates, I realised that I left a very nice oil painting which I bought at Pasar Oleh Oleh in the villa. After a while of persuasion by the rest, I called back to the resort to report that lost painting. Was told to wait at the ferry termial over at Singapore for the painting to be "delivered" by one of their staff but it never came. Oh btw, I think we waited for 1~2 hours. Thanks for waiting with me people. Rang them again and the lady said that they couldn't contact the staff and also find the painting. Shrugs... Oh well, my mistake. ^^ Thanks for helping me out though, appreciated. Headed down to Bedok for KFC and after which home by cab.
Though we really didn't do much and it doesn't really have the overseas holiday trip, overall, I still kinda enjoyed it. Well~ I might go there again someday. Might. OH~! PICTURES WITH CAPTIONS WILL BE SORTED OUT AND UPLOADED SOON! stay tuned~~~
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Everything was a-okay~ UNTIL!!! *JENG JENG JENG~!!!* It started raining once we stepped out of the tram. Shrugs, in any case, we decided to bunk at palawan beach, sat down at this ulu place, and decided to play the Game Of Concentration! At this point of time, I must say this, I'm sorry to the people that died at my hands! I'm evil. ok, I won't say 'bout what happened but pics might be posted soon. XD The rain ceased after a few rounds of laughter and fun. GOOD
CAPTAIN'S BALL!!! That was our 1st game. XD Kinda Imbalanced with the girl/guy ratio thing, but hell we had tons of fun! It's been so crap long since I've had so much fun and under the rain too!!!
Next up! Volleyball! hmmm... yet another imbalanced team... haha but it was fun too! hahaha. no pics taken during our games though. Eugene can make a very good goal keeper, he just dives for the ball for no reason and at times catching it too. =x
VOLLEY THE VOLLEYBALL CHALLENGE!!! Haha I'm a little embaressed to say this but 8 of us can only manage to volley the ball like hmmm 20 times? or was it 23? or lesser? dorgh, I forgot. ok. Yijin and Eugene ( the gene brothers) decided to take a dip and swim across the "lagoon" hence we waited for their return, headed for the shower and back to Vivo we go! OFF TO THE MOVIES!!!
But first, dinner at food republic, darn~ i was famished, same goes for the gene brothers. The not so hungry Zhao Xiang had cheese balls for dinner. o.O talk about a proper meal... haha. Caught the spiderwick chronicles!!! hmmm sorry people but i'd give it a low rating. Other than the way they end, the movie was quite predictable. For the sake of those that haven't caught the movie, I shall not say it here. Ask me if you want to know! XD
Ok, going off to bed now. 3 more hectic days to this hectic week for me. Jeff. Stay strong and keep smiling. STOP BEING STRESSED UP AND DEPRESSED!
Pictures and videos will be posted soon. -stay tuned-
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Choc Truffle with Earl grey tea and Tiramisu with Dark Choc Frappe

Tweety and Tazzie ^_^
Met up with Stella yesterday. It's her 21st b day!!! Met up with her to pass her her pressies ^ ^. Since we both have time to spare, she decided to introduce me to one of the best tasting Choc Truffle of all times and it's down at NIE's Library! Laughed our guts out and FINALLY, we took a picture together ^^. Sadly, I had to head down to Newton by 7 pm for practise. See you soon Stella~!!